Publishing articles about my life and interests.
I started a podcast to be a voice for my community and provide a forum for everyone to share their thoughts.
I love to research and learn new things especially about ethics, law and current events.
Featured Content

The Tech Crisis
Research on the implications of technology use among youth.

United Nations Pitch Deck: Girls’ Education in Rural India
A pitch deck for a project I worked on for the United Nations to bridge the gender gap in developing countries.

How Girls’ Education Can Impact Climate Change
Electric vehicles, wind mills, and solar panels are all words that come to mind when thinking of climate change solutions. The one thing I’ve never heard someone say is girls’ education. Yet, it’s a more practical solution.

Human Longevity: All You Need to Know
Discussing the basics of longevity, the science behind it, and new developments. Would it be great to live forever? Is it ethical?

Israel and Palestine Conflict Explained
What’s going on between Israel and Palestine?

Last First Day
Article written for the school newspaper

The Myth of Multitasking
Doing multiple things at once is scientifically impossible, and also harmful.

Hydrosphere Pitch Deck: A Moonshot Company Solving the Global Water Crisis
Over 2 billion people lack access to the most basic necessity for survival. We created a moonshot company to solve that.

Challenge Project Recommendation: Billion Dollar Fitness Company
A pitch deck for a TKS project I managed to help a Boston fitness company grow their brand.

Virtual Snow Days?
Article written for the school newspaper.

NHD 2021 In Review
Article written for the school newspaper